
OCS Certified
Fabrics Manufacturer

Welcome to Radhey Krishna Cotweaving, your trusted partner for superior quality fabrics. We are a distinguished OCS Certified Fabric Manufacturer, steadfastly committed to adhering to international standards in all aspects of our production process.

Organic Content Standard (OCS)

The Organic Content Standard (OCS) applies to all textile product containing 5-100 percent organic material. It verifies the presence and amount of organic material in the final textile. Further OCS tracks the flow of a raw material from its source to the final product. This process is then certified by an accredited third party.

The Importance of OCS Certificate:

OCS covers the processing, manufacturing, packaging, labelling, trading and distribution of a product that contains at least 5 percent certified ‘organic’ materials. This tracking of material ensures transparency & traceability to consumer for organic material used in the final textile.
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