
RCS Certified
Fabrics Manufacturer

Welcome to Radhey Krishna Cotweaving, your trusted partner for superior quality fabrics. We are a distinguished RCS Certified Fabric Manufacturer, steadfastly committed to adhering to international standards in all aspects of our production process.

Recycled Claim Standard (RCS)

Recycled Claim Standard (RCS) label enables to market textiles made from recycled raw materials. The Recycled Claim Standard is intended for use with any product that contains at least 5% Recycled Material. It is a chain of custody standard to track recycled raw materials through the supply chain. It uses the chain of custody requirements of the Content Claim Standard (CSS).

The goal of the RCS is to increase the use of Recycled materials in products and supply chains.

We are RCS certified from Control Union. Its License number :

We are proud to be RCS-Blended certified by Control Union, under License Number: CB-CUI-114850.

At RADHEY KRISHNA COTWEAVING, we manufacture fabrics that meet the standards of the Recycled Claim Standard (RCS). Our certified products include:

  • Woven fabrics made from a mix of recycled and other blended materials, produced in compliance with RCS-Blended certification.

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